Moot Magazine Seeks Articles on
Race/ Trayvon Martin Case (anywhere)
Moot Magazine is on a deadline. We need articles on RACE by the end of this week! We changed the theme of our upcoming April issue to coincide with the Trayvon Martin case.
Article on Trayvon Martin case, interracial dating, race in America, race in the south, race in general, bigotry, reverse discrimination, profiling, etc.
If you have articles to submit please submit them to us ASAP!
You can see submission guidelines at and click on "Writers" at the top menu. Or see contact information below.
This is a paying gig. Submit ASAP! Only need 5 articles max and will publish best articles. No guarantee of publishing. Pay only upon publication (within 30 days) - $25 - $50 per article depending upon quality and length. Not negotiable.
Location: ANYWHERE
For submissions: download the Writer’s Information Packet and submit your material to