PUB: Mythology Publication

Mythology Publication
Now Accepting Submissions


This project on myths, legends, tall tales and folkore is open to the author or artist's interpretation. Work may include Greek and Roman myths, Celtic and Icelandic stories, Native American tales and other words and images from other cultures. It may explore sacred stories from Judeo-Christianity, Islam and eastern religions. It may be whimsical, offering a new slant on tales of Peter Rabbit, Paul Bunyan or other childhood stories. It may also include personal or family stories that have been told and retold through generations. It may provide exaggerated takes on real people like Johnny Appleseed.


Graphic fiction and visual art may be in any medium, color or black-and-white. Page size is 6.88 (W) x 6.63 (H). Artists are advised to keep critical content within a safe area of 6.625 (W) x 6.125 (H). Work may be submitted in these dimensions or scalable to these dimensions.


Prose may be no longer than 1,200 words. You may submit up to three prose pieces. The work must be properly titled at the top of each page along with the name of the author.


Poetry may be no longer than 32 lines, including title, stanza breaks and any epigraph or dedication. Poems must be single-spaced and the work must use a standard font. 


Prose and poetry will not be returned. Graphic fiction and visual art becomes property of Southport Press and will be placed in a public silent auction, in order to sustain Southport Press and make future projects and publications possible.


Submit work to ArtWorks, 5002 7th Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53140. Include your name, address, phone number and email address. Questions, call (262) 652-5911.