Nancy Thorp Poetry Contest
What is the Nancy Thorp Poetry Contest?
Now in its forty-eighth year, the contest is sponsored by Hollins University and awards prizes for the best poems submitted by girls who are sophomores or juniors in high school or preparatory school.
What are the prizes?
First place (one winner)
- $200 cash prize
- Free registration, transportation to, and housing for the Lex Allen Literary Festival at Hollins University on March 10, 2012.
- Publication in Cargoes, Hollins' student literary magazine
- Ten copies of Cargoes
Second place (six winners)
- $25 cash prize
- Publication in Cargoes
- Two copies of Cargoes
What are the requirements?
- Must be a sophomore or junior in high school or preparatory school
- Students must submit their poem(s) online. Students must have a faculty sponsor.
- No more than two poems by any one student may be submitted (Microsoft Word or text document only)
- Please label additional pages with the author's name, title of poem, and page number
- Each entry must include the following information on the poem(s):
- Author's name
- Author's mailing address
- Author's phone number and/or e-mail address
- Year of author's high school graduation
- Faculty sponsor's name and e-mail address
- Author's school
- Address of author's school
- Phone number of author's school
What is the deadline for entries?
November 15.
Who chooses the winning poems?
Winners are chosen by students and faculty members in the creative writing program at Hollins.
When are winners notified?
Mid-February 2012.
Who was Nancy Thorp?
Nancy Thorp, Hollins class of 1960, was a young poet who showed great promise when she was a student. Following her death in 1962, her family established the Nancy Thorp Contest to encourage the work of young poets.
via hollins.edu