Student Essay Contest
Submit your essay today to compete in the NCBS Annual Student Essay Competition! Winners will be recognized at the Student Luncheon.
Click here to see how you can get free Student Luncheon and conference registration tickets.
1st Place - $350.00
2nd Place - $250.00
3rd Place - $125.00
1st Place - $450.00
2nd Place - $350.00
3rd Place - $225.00ESSAY GUIDELINES:
Essays should focus on any aspect of the Africana experience, i.e., art, education, history, literature, politics, psychology, social and policy issues. Must bet typed in MS Word, 12-18 pages in length, double-spaced with one-inch margins left-to-right and top-to-bottom. Students are asked to document sources using either MLA or APA style guide. Submissions must be mailed to the address below. Faxed or electronic essays are not accepted! Please include the following information on your cover sheet only:
Name Mailing address Telephone number Email Address Name of college or university Class status (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate Student) Name of Faculty Advisor Do not include the above information on any subsequent pages of the essay other than on the cover sheet.DEADLINE: January 20, 2012
(must be received by this date)
Send all manuscripts to:
National Office, NCBS
Africana Studies Department
University of Cincinnati
P.O. Box 210370
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0370
Street/Overnight Address:
National Office, NCBS
Africana Studies Department
University of Cincinnati
2815 Commons Way, 3616 French Hall, West
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0370