PUB: New American Press


The submission period for the 2011 New American Poetry Prize is now open.

Winner receives a publication contract, including 25 complimentary copies and $1000. Final judge is Andrew Hudgins, whose books include Saints and Strangers (1985), which was short-listed for the Pulitzer Prize; The Never-Ending (1991), a finalist for the National Book Award; and Ecstatic in the Poison (Overlook Press, 2003). His book-length poem After the Lost War: A Narrative (1988) won the Poets’ Prize. His poems have appeared in The New Yorker, Paris Review, and many others. He teaches at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio.

To submit, please send your manuscript (48-100 pages) and the $20 reading fee (checks payable to "New American Press") to:

New American Poetry Contest
Attn: Okla Elliott
1830-C Orchard Place
Urbana, IL 61801

We read manuscripts blind, so please include a separate cover sheet with your manuscript's title and your name, address, telephone number, and email address, but exclude any identifying information from the manuscript itself.

Postmark deadline is December 31, 2011.

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions for more info. Further questions can be directed to Okla Elliott.