New Media Writing Prize 2011 (worldwide)
Deadline: 31 October 2011The prize encourages writers working with new media to showcase their skills, provoke discussion and raise awareness of new media writing, the future of the 'written' word and storytelling.
Who can apply?
Anyone can apply! Whether you’re a student, a professional, an artist, a writer, a Flash designer or an enthusiast, the competition is open to all. It's also an international competition, open to all outside the UK.
I'm a writer but my technical knowledge is limited
If you have a new media story in mind and would like to collaborate with digital artists, look for volunteers to help you. There are many artists on Mandy, Arts Job Finder or try local volunteer centres such as Volunteering Dorset.
How do I submit my work?
Each entry should be submitted by email to submissions@newmediawritingprize.co.uk by midday on Monday 31st October 2011.
Each emailed entry should contain an active URL for the judges to access your work. However if your entry is for viewing on a mobile phone or other electronic device, please provide clear instructions on how to view your piece. It’s important you read the Entry Rules before submitting, otherwise you could be disqualified. Please also ensure that you read the Terms and Conditions.
Entry rules
Submit your entry via email by midday Monday October 31st to
submissions@newmediawritingprize.co.ukInclude the URL in your entry, which must be viewable and functional online. The only exceptions to this are entries that are to be viewed/read via a mobile phone or other electronic device, in which case we need an explanation of how to access your piece. Please ensure you read all the Entry Rules as outlined below, failure to comply will result in your entry being disqualified.
The competition is international and open to all countries.
Multiple entries are acceptable but each entry must be submitted separately. All entries must be original. If already published please supply publication dates and supporting information regarding any copyright issues.
Each entry should be submitted separately by email to submissions@newmediawritingprize.co.uk before midday Monday October 31st.
Each emailed entry should contain an active URL for the judges to access your work. However if your entry is for viewing on a mobile phone or other electronic device, please provide clear instructions on how to view your piece.
Each emailed entry should contain the following information:
Title of your entry
Contact details* - name, email address, telephone number and postal address. NB Collaborative works can be submitted using any name, but participants must be listed with biographies. A lead entrant should be identified for contact purposes.
A short autobiography appended to the text of your email entry (50-100 words). Attachments will not be accepted. Include a list of links if appropriate, but no footnotes or formatted text.
If you're applying for the student prize you must have proof of identity which should be displayed in the body of your entry email, e.g. a scan of your Student Union ID card or your university enrolment number, which will be authenticated.
All entries will be acknowledged by email. There will be no further correspondence unless your work has been shortlisted, in which case you will be notified by November.
Short listed work will be showcased at Bournemouth University during the week of the Awards ceremony.
Winners will be announced at Bournemouth University at a special Awards Ceremony.
The copyright of each New Media writing entry remains with the author. The authors of the winning entries grant Bournemouth University the right to use the entries in publicity material. By entering the contest you agree to Bournemouthy University publishing your work as outlined above and to participate in any related press and media coverage relevant to the prize:
A valuable bundle of new media hardware and software for Best New Media Writing
A valuable bundle of new media hardware and software for Best Student New Media WritingThe winning entries will be featured in the high profile new media web-hub, The Literary Platform.
The winning entries will also be published on the Bournemouth University website and may also be published on relevant new media writing partners' websites and in media/press releases.
Contact Information:
For inquiries: submissions@newmediawritingprize.co.uk
For submissions: submissions@newmediawritingprize.co.uk