PUB: Nimrod International Journal of Prose and Poetry

Nimrod Literary Awards
Founded by Ruth G. Hardman




The 33rd Nimrod Literary Awards

The Katherine Anne Porter Prize for Fiction &
The Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry

Founded by Ruth G. Hardman

FIRST PLACE: $2,000 and publication
SECOND PLACE: $1,000 and publication

Contest Rules
Contest Begins: January 1, 2011

Postmark Deadline: April 30, 2011

Poetry:3-10 pages of poetry (one long poem or several short poems).

Fiction:7,500 words maximum.

No previously published works or works accepted for publication elsewhere.  Author's name must not appear on the manuscript.  Include a cover sheet containing major title and subtitles, author's name, full address, phone & email.  "Contest Entry" should be clearly indicated on both the outer envelope and the cover sheet. Manuscripts should be stapled, if possible; if not, please bind with a black clip. Manuscripts will not be returned.  Nimrod retains the right to publish any submission.  Include SASE for results only.  If no SASE is sent, no contest results will be sent; however, the results will be posted on Nimrod’s Web site. Submitters must be living in the USby October of 2011 to enter the contest.  Winners will also be brought to Tulsafor the Awards Ceremony in October. All finalists will be considered for publication.

Entry/Subscription Fee:$20 includes both entry fee & a one-year subscription (two issues).  Each entry must each be accompanied by a $20 fee.  Make checks payable to Nimrod.

Send to:

Nimrod Journal
Literary Contest--Fiction or Poetry
The Universityof Tulsa
800 S. Tucker Dr.
Tulsa, OK74104  


Nimrod Literary Awards 2010

The editors of Nimrod International Journal are delighted to announce the winners, honorable mentions, finalists and semi-finalists of the 32nd Nimrod Literary Awards.

Nimrod Literary Awards: The Pablo Neruda Prize in Poetry       

FIRST PRIZE: $2,000                        
Terry Blackhawk, “The Lost Life List” and other poems

SECOND PRIZE: $1,000                   
Jude Nutter, “My Mother’s Teeth” and other poems

Harry Bauld, “Final Gravity” and other poems
Katie Kingston, “Framing a Piece of Ruin”
Francine Marie Tolf, “Tonight” and other poems


Nimrod Literary Awards: The Katherine Anne Porter Prize in Fiction

FIRST PRIZE: $2,000                        
Shannon Robinson, “Miscarriages”

SECOND PRIZE: $1,000                   
Laura LeCorgne, “Really Good Feet”

LydiaKann, “The Arrival”
Sue Pace, “Obituary for an Asshole”


Nimrod extends deep appreciation to all who submitted. There were 690 poetry manuscripts and 571 short stories submitted to the 2010 competition. Selecting poetry finalists and fiction finalists from these was a task that dominated the lives of 41 Nimrod editors all spring.  They approached their mission with dedication and discretion, reading and rereading the final group, comparing notes, and speaking for favorites. The finalists’ manuscripts, without cover letters or names, were sent to the judges for 2010, Molly Peacock, poetry, and David Wroblewski, fiction.  They chose the winners and honorable mentions from the finalist group.

The 33rd Nimrod Literary Awards competition begins January 1, 2011; the postmark deadline is April 30, 2011. We welcome your submissions, knowing that each year brings new discoveries, often from those who have submitted to the competition before. (All entrants not previously contacted by Nimrod about their work may consider their work released at this time.)