PUB: /nor



Contest Guidelines (Deadline extended to April 1st)

Submit up to 8 pages of poetry and/or a short story of up to 25 pages. Submit a separate cover sheet listing name, contact information, title, and genre of submitted work. No names or addresses should appear on the manuscript. Postmark deadline is April 1st, 2011. $20 reading fee per entry (includes one-year subscription). Make checks payable to New Ohio Review.

We are not accepting online submissions for this contest. Please mail all entries and checks to:
New Ohio Review Prize
English Dept. / 360 Ellis Hall
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701


General Guidelines

We now also accept online submissions. Click here.

New Ohio Review's contributors receive honoraria of $20/page for prose and $30/page for poetry, $50 minimum, in addition to two copies of the issue and a one-year subscription.

We accept literary submissions in any genre, however we do not accept unsolicited translations. Please do not send more than six poems in a single submission. We do not reprint previously published work.

Our reading period is September 1 to May 1, but we will consider work year-round from subscribers. Please do not submit more than once every six months. Mail submissions to:

New Ohio Review
English Dept.
360 Ellis Hall
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701

Format: Please include a brief cover letter with your submission. Poems should be individually typed, either single- or double-spaced, on one side of the page. Prose should be typed double-spaced on one side and be no longer than thirty pages. Cross-genre work or any work that is unusually formatted is welcome, but please be aware that our page width and font size are restricted. We have no preferences regarding placement of author name, staples, or paper clips. Please do not include submissions in more than one genre in the same envelope.

Simultaneous submissions: Simultaneous submissions to other journals are fine as long as you indicate so in your cover letter and inform us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.

Submissions by mail: All manuscripts and correspondence regarding submissions should be accompanied by a S.A.S.E. For international submissions, please include a stamped International Reply Coupon (I.R.C.) with your S.A.S.E. or provide a valid e-mail address. Manuscripts can only be returned if sufficient postage is included.

Submission withdrawals: For submission withdrawals, both electronic and postal, please contact us at