The OBAC Writers Workshop is accepting submissions in all genres for its upcoming anthology: RECLAMATION: Black Writing from the Black Arts Movement to 2011. Deadline for submissions is May 10, 2011. This neo-realism period represents over 40 years of literature, politics, arts and cultural history, historical events and social changes in our society and world. OBAC-WW has deliberately not chosen a theme in order to give writers a wide range of topics from which to submit their work. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES
1. Writers must include a two (2) paragraph brief biography.
2. Literary criticism, essays, creative non-fiction, short stories, and plays should not exceed ten (10) pages and should be double-spaced.
3. Poems should not exceed five (5) pages and all poems should be double-spaced.
4. Font size for all submissions is 12 to 14.
5. All submissions must be double spaced.
6. Although we would prefer unpublished material, previously published material is acceptable. Please indicate if the submitted material has been previously published, when, where, and who owns the copyright. Copyright ownership must be indicated on all submissions.
7. Submissions can be emailed or snail mailed. Email submission send to: www.2011.reclamation@gmail.com
8. Snail mail submissions should be sent to: OBAC-WW, P.O. Box 15414, Chicago, 60615. These submissions must have a SASE and will not be returned without one.
9. Writers must list all contact information including email address and daytime telephone number.
The OBAC (Organization of Black American Culture) Writers Workshop was founded in Chicago in 1967. It is an independent, community-based organization whose mission is the development of the highest quality literature from, to, and about African-Americans, and the development of critical standards by which that literature might be judged. Its founding Chair was Hoyt W. Fuller, editor of Negro Digest/Black World, and First World: An International Journal of Black Thought. S. B. Barnes, Director, OBAC-WW
Angela Jackson, OBAC Advisory Board