PUB: Oberlin College Press Field Poetry Contest


The editors of FIELD are pleased to announce the fourteenth annual FIELD Poetry Prize competition. The contest is open to all poets, whether or not they have previously published a book. Unpublished poetry manuscripts between 50 and 80 pages in length will be considered. All manuscripts will be read by the editors of the Press, David Young and David Walker. Oberlin College Press publishes the winning manuscript in the FIELD Poetry Series and awards the winning author one thousand dollars ($1,000).

Manuscripts must be postmarked during May 2010. The contest reading fee is $25 and includes one year’s subscription to FIELD. Please make checks payable to Oberlin College Press.

Manuscripts will not be returned. Include a self-addressed, stamped postcard if you wish to be notified that your manuscript has been received at our office.

We will announce the winner here in August 2010.

Send manuscript and reading fee to:

FIELD Poetry Prize
Oberlin College Press
50 North Professor Street
Oberlin, OH 44074

Please note: Persons interested in submitting work for the FIELD Translation Series should read the guidelines.