PUB: Oblongata Contest

Oblongata Contest

Dear Writers,

In an effort to promote writers and fund the yearly print anthologies, The Medulla Review is offering a unique opportunity. During approximately the first three weeks of each month the editor-in-chief will review poetry, flash fiction, and fiction submissions for contests. First, second, and third place winners will be chosen for publication out of each category. Works will be published on the first day of every month.

First place winners will receive publication, payment based on 10% of the entry fees per category, and a link with their name on the homepage of The Medulla Review for one year. The winning writer's web-page containing their winning piece may also include artwork, lengthy bios, promotions of books, blogs, links to other sites, or a myriad of other things, depending on the specific wishes of the writer.

Second and third place winners will receive publication of their work and a short-bio for one year on a homepage link entitled “Oblongata Winners.”

First place winners may not submit again for one year. Second and third place winners may submit again.

The entry fee for each contest submission is $15.00. Please send payment via paypal to oblongatacontest (AT) gmail (DOT) com prior to sending the submission.

Please submit one to five poems, one flash fiction piece (up to 1,000 words), or one fiction piece (up to 3,000 words) to oblongatacontest (AT) gmail (DOT) com. The deadline for Oblongata Contest #1 is May 23, 2010.  Winners for the contest will be notified by May 31, 2010 and published on June 1,  2010.

The same editorial aesthetic applies to contest submissions, so please read the submission guidelines prior to submitting. Contest submissions are open now. Writers previously published with The Medulla Review are encouraged to submit. I look forward to reading your work!


Jennifer Hollie Bowles


The Medulla Review