PUB: Odyssey Convention Writing Contest Guidelines and Rules

Guidelines for 2012

Science Fiction & Fantasy Prose Poem/Flash Fiction Contest

Adult division: 18 and over, $10 entry fee per story/poem; multiple entries allowed
Prizes: $500 to first place; Odyssey Con membership and some cool books to top 3

Youth division: under 18 as of Jan. 1, 2012, NO entry fee, but send no more than one entry
Prizes: $50 to first place; Odyssey Con membership and some cool books to top 3

Deadline for 2012: January 15

Details: Send 500 words or less of speculative (SF&F) fiction or prose poetry (paragraph form). No previously-published work, but simultaneous submissions are allowed, and multiple adult submissions are encouraged. $10 entry fee must be paid for each adult entry submitted. Youth entries are free, but entrant must be under 18 as of January 1, 2012. Please do not enter before October 15. See definitions of "speculative," "prose poetry," and "flash fiction." Read the winning stories/poems from contests past!

2011 judge: Marion Boyer
2010 judge: John Rezmerski
2009 judge: Joe Haldeman
2008 judge: Bruce Boston

Judging process: Blind judging. Preliminary readers who are SF writers and fans will select the top manuscripts in each division to be sent to the final judge. All entries are read by several different readers. Convention committee members, their friends and families, and degree-program or professional students of the judge may not enter. Winners to be notified and results posted by March 1, 2012. Winning poems/stories will be read at Odyssey Con, published in the program book, and posted on the website.

Entering: pay one entry fee per story/poem via PayPal (click button below to pay), or mail a check payable to Odyssey Con to address below (postmarked by the deadline: January 15, 2012). E-mail your work (maximum length 500 words, excluding title), pasted into body of e-mail or attached as .doc or .rtf, to the Writing Contest Manager (see contact information below). Put last name, first initial, and CONTEST: Youth or Adult in the subject line. Be sure to include your name, date of birth if Youth entry, mailing address, phone number, and the name/e-mail under which payment was made, if not the one used to enter. Receipt will be acknowledged within 3 days. Please do not enter before October 15. <PUT LINK TO ONLINE FORM HERE>.


F.J. Bergmann
OddContest Coordinator
Questions: e-mail me
To enter the writing contest, fill out this e-mail form: entry form


All entries without a street address AND telephone number will be discarded (if you win, we mail you books). The information will not be used for anything other than this contest. We send receipt acknowledgment via e-mail; if you do not hear from us within 3 days of sending your entry, adjust your spam filter accordingly (does not come from contest e-mail address). If you have any questions about this process, feel free to contact:

F.J. Bergmann
OddContest Coordinator
Questions: e-mail me
To enter the writing contest, fill out this e-mail form: entry form


Postal mail: Please do not send postal entries unless you have absolutely no access to e-mail. All judging is done via electronic media, and the transcription process from hard copy is unreliable at best.

Mailing address (for checks):
Odyssey Con
PO Box 7114
Madison, WI 53707