PUB: Open to African American Fiction Manuscripts: West Virginia University Press|Writers Afrika

Open to African American Fiction Manuscripts:

West Virginia University Press


The West Virginia University Press invites the submission of proposals for book-length fiction manuscripts from new, emerging, and established authors. Special consideration will be given to works centering on or connected to the Appalachian region of North America. We are open to different styles and genres of writing.

At this time we are not accepting proposals for historical fiction, children's fiction, and novellas.

Proposals should consist of the first two chapters of the work, together with contact information. Please send hard copies only. We will not accept e-mail attachments.

All submissions should be sent to:

Hilary Attfield
Fiction Acquisitions
West Virginia University Press
PO Box 6295
Morgantown, WV 26506-6295

Contact Information:

For inquiries:

For submissions: Hilary Attfield, Fiction Acquisitions, West Virginia University Press, PO Box 6295, Morgantown, WV 26506-6295
