PUB: Oscar Wilde Award

The 10th Annual Gival Press Oscar Wilde Award

"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."—Oscar Wilde

June 27, 2011 (postmarked)
Our dates never change. If the date falls on a Sunday, then Monday becomes the default postmarked date.

This award will be given to the best previously unpublished original poem written in English (of any length, in any style, typed, double spaced on one side only), which best relates gay / lesbian / bisexual / transgender life by a poet who is 18 or older.

Entrants are asked to submit their poems in the following manner: (1) without any kind of identification, with the exception of the title, and (2) with a separate cover page with the following information: name, address (street, city, and state with zip code), telephone number, email address, if available, and the title of the poem submitted. (3) A short bio should also be included.

Poems will not be returned, so poets should keep copies of their poems.

A short bio may also be included.

Reading Fee:
Poets must submit a reading fee of $5.00 (USD) for each individual poem submitted, regardless of the length. Checks or money orders drawn on American banks, routed through a USA address, such as Bank of America, should be made payable to Gival Press, LLC. Overseas money orders are not acceptable. 

Mail to: 
Robert L. Giron, Editor
Gival Press Oscar Wilde Award
Gival Press, LLC
P.O. Box 3812
Arlington, VA 22203.

Notification of the Winner:
Include a self-addressed, stamped envelop (SASE) for notification of the winner or visit our website (, where the winner and finalists will be announced.

The winner is usually announced on or before September 1.

The winner will receive $100.00 (USD), and the poem, along with information about the poet, will be published on the website of Gival Press ( The winner will be asked to sign a release form for payment.

In addition, Gival Press hopes to publish an anthology of the winners of this award along with the best poems submitted to the contest over a period of several years.

Poems will be judged anonymously by the previous winner of the award. The decision made by the judge will be final.

Discount Offered to Entrants:
Anyone who has entered a Gival Press contest may purchase any books published or distributed by Gival Press at a 20% discount off the retail price, with free shipment. Credit cards are preferred. Kindly either call us (703.351.0079 - leave a message if we can't answer when you call and we will call you back) or send us an email with your phone number and we will call you, as we only accept the credit card information by phone.
