2011 Passager Poetry Contest
FOR WRITERS OVER 50Submit work: September 1, 2010 - April 15, 2011 (postmarked date)
Winner receives $500 and publication.
Honorable mentions will also be published.
- Reading fee: $20, check or money order payable to Passager
Reading fee includes a one-year, two-issue subscription to Passager.- Submit 5 poems, 40 lines max. per poem
- Introduce yourself with a cover letter and brief bio.
- Include name and address on every page.
- Include a Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope (SASE) for notification of winners.
- Poems will not be returned.
- No previously published work.
- Simultaneous submissions to other journals are okay, but please notify us if the work is accepted elsewhere.
- No email submissions, please!
If you need more information, send us an email: passager@saysomethingloudly.com, or call: 410.837.6047.
Send all submissions to:
1420 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-5779
via ubalt.edu