PUB: Pinch Literary Fiction and Poetry Contest

The Pinch Literary Awards in Fiction and Poetry 2010
Sponsored by the Hohenberg Foundation

Fiction First Prize: $1,500.00
Poetry First Prize: $1,000.00


January 15 – March 15.  Entries postmarked before or after the deadline will be discarded unread.

All entries are considered for publication. First, second, and third place winners will be selected from each category. The first place fiction winner, along with all three poetry winners, will be published in the Spring issue following announcement. Second and third place winners in fiction will be given high-priority consideration for publication, but because of space, cannot be guaranteed. Due to the high volume of submissions, any prize winners will be ineligible for contest participation for three years.

Only unpublished work will be considered. Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but notify us immediately if work is accepted elsewhere. No refunds will be issued.  Manuscripts will not be returned.  Electronic submissions will not be considered.

No translations will be considered.
Current students and faculty of The University of Memphis, as well as volunteer staff members for The Pinch, are not eligible.


  1. $20 for the first entry; $10 for each subsequent entry. Fiction entries should not exceed 5,000 words. An “entry” in the poetry contest is 1-3 poems, and please include $10 for each group of three after the initial entry. Poems need not be related. Please make checks payable to The University of Memphis. No cash, please. The $20 entry fee also initiates a one-year subscription to The Pinch. Additional postage charge for international subscriptions.
  2. A cover sheet with the author’s contact information: name, address, phone number, and email address. The author’s contact information should not appear on the manuscript itself. Entries that do not adhere to this policy will be discarded unread. Please notify us if your address or email changes.
  3. An optional postcard for notification of receipt of entry and entry number.



Fiction Contest
The Pinch
Department of English
The University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152-6176


Poetry Contest
The Pinch
Department of English
The University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152-6176

