PUB: platypus prize

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First Annual Platypus Prize
An Anthology of The Best College Writing: 2009-2010

recognizes U.S. college students whose innovative writing demonstrates excellence in creative intent, conception and execution. Our goal is to recognize aspiring writers who explore creative possibilities far beyond the traditional literary process and product. We welcome submissions from students outside of creative writing programs.

WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE writing, in any genre, that investigates the visual aspects of text and incorporates mixed media and/or multimedia in order to comment on contemporary expressions of narrative as they relate to the way we live now -- or may live later. CDs, DVDs, URLs and use of color are also encouraged.

WINNERS will be published in the anthology. Each will receive a copy of the full-color book published by Jaded Ibis Press and distributed through, Jaded Ibis Productions, and other literary distribution channels. One Editor's Choice Award receives $100. Press releases listing each winner's name, academic major and school will be sent to print and digital U.S. newspapers, magazines and other media outlets.

ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Writers must be or have been enrolled in a Bachelors, Masters, or PhD program in any discipline in a U.S. college, or in a Community College, at any time between January 2009 and December 2010. Enrollment will be verified through your school's records office.

AESTHETIC STATEMENT: Include a short paragraph discussing your creative process and/or conceptual intent regarding your entry. Aesthetic Statements of winners will also be published in the anthology. For statement examples, see fiction contributions at In Posse Review: Issue 26

FORMATS: Text and Text + Image submissions must be sent as a .pdf or .doc attachment. CDs, DVDs and URLs may be sent as a URL link. Please keep in mind that the anthology's print dimensions will be 8" x 10" with 1" margins, though page bleeds are accepted. Feel free to submit your writing as you would like it to appear in the final anthology. That is, do not double-space or use standard margins unless that is how you wish your writing to look. If your innovative writing is text only, with no special formatting or images, please indicate so at the top of your manuscript. For best results, .jpgs should be at least 300 dpi resolution at 100% size when ready for publishing; you may compress your entry as long as compression does not interfere with our reading/viewing of your work.

LENGTH: Minumum = 1 page
. Maximum = 50 pages, though bear in mind that unusually long works may affect judge's final decision. Excerpts from novels or novellas illuminating the work's innovation are welcome and do not have to be self-contained.

DEADLINE: December 31, 2010.

ENTRY FEE: $10 per submission submitted through PayPal. Jaded Ibis Productions is a PayPal Verified Merchant, for more secure shopping. (See "Pay Entry Fee" below.)

2010 GUEST EDITOR: Doug Rice is the author of Skin Prayer: Fragments of Abject Memory; Blood of Mugwump: A Tiresian Tale of Incest; and A Good Cuntboy is Hard to Find. He teaches literary theory, film theory and creative writing at Sacramento State University.   

SERIES EDITOR: Debra Di Blasi is Publisher-in-Chief at Jaded Ibis Press and president of Jaded Ibis Productions. She is an award-winning fiction writer and screenwriter who frequently lectures on 21st Century narrative forms. Complete bio at

ENTRY / ELIGIBILITY FORM is emailed to you for completion upon receipt of your entry.

EMAIL ADDRESS: Type "Platypus Prize" in the Subject line and attach your Entry to:


QUESTIONS: If your entry falls outside of these specifications and you have questions regarding this or any of these guidelines, please don't hesitate to email us at, with the word "Questions" in the Subject line.





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