Plough Prize 2011
Open Poem
- Judge: Andrew Motion
- Length: Up to 40 lines
- Style: Unrestricted
- Theme: None
- Prizes: 1st £1000, 2nd £500, 3rd £200
Short Poem
- Judge: Andrew Motion
- Length: up to 10 lines
- Style: Unrestricted
- Theme: None
- Prizes: 1st £1000, 2nd £500, 3rd £200
Poem for Children
- Judges: Final judging by the children of local schools and home education groups
- Length: Up to 40 lines
- Style: Poem suitable for reading by or to children of primary school age (5-11yrs)
- Theme: None
- Prizes: 1st £100, 2nd £50, 3rd £25
- Short listed poems published in chapbook anthology (more info)
Special prize for best Devon poem entered
- Any subject, poet resident in Devon
- No additional entry fee.
Postal entry: £4.50 per poem, four poems £16, £4.00 thereafter.
Online entry: £4.85 per poem, four poems £18, £4.50 thereafter
Entries close at midnight on November 30th 2011