Annual Women Who WriteInternational Poetry and Short Prose ContestDEADLINE: July 31, 2011Entry Guidelines
- Open to women writers 18 or older.
- Women Who Write will retain one-time publication rights, after which, all rights revert back to author.
- Entry must be previously unpublished.
- Prose limit 3,000 words.
- Each poem or story must include a cover page with title of work, author name, address, home phone number, and valid e-mail address (if applicable).
- To identify each page of your work, use the title set <right> in the header along with the page number. For example: This is my Title - 1
- Other formatting:
- Prose and Poetry
- Microsoft Word .doc format
- Times New Roman font, size 14
- Double-spaced
- Prose Only
- text <left> justified
- indent paragraphs one tab
- double-spaced
- no extra space between paragraphs
- only one space after period at end of sentence
- default on all other MS Word settings
- $10 entry fee for each poem or story submitted.
- Postmark deadline: July 31, 2011
- Winners will be notified by mail or e-mail in August.
- Members of Women Who Write are ineligible.
- Submissions will not be returned.
Send entries and entry fee to:Women Who WriteP.O. Box 6167Louisville, KY 40206
Awards and Recognition:Short prose and poetry winners receive:
First Place..........$150 and five copies of the current anthologySecond Place.....$100 and five copies of the current anthologyThird Place..........$75 and five copies of the current anthology
Winners' work is published in Calliope, Women Who Write's annual anthology.Winners read their poetry and selections from their stories at the awards program.