PUB: Poetry Book Contest

Brick Road Poetry Book Contest

The first place winner receives a publication contract with Brick Road Poetry Press and $1000 prize, publication in both print and ebook formats, and 25 copies of the printed book. We may also offer publication contracts to the top finalists.

    Adhere to all the "general submission" manuscript guidelines. (provided below)

        Entry fee $25, payable through the online submission manager. If sending hard copy, please include a Check or money order to "Brick Road Poetry Press, Inc."

          Deadline: November 1, submission accepted starting August 1.

            Submit via the Brick Road Poetry Press Submission Manager

            Michael Meyerhofer was selected as the winner of the 2010 Brick Road Poetry Book Contest for his manuscript entitled, Damnatio Memoriae.

            The 5 additional finalists were:

            Rupert Fike, Lotus Buffet
            Grey Held, Two-Star General
            Jamie Thomas, Etch and Blur
            Toni Thomas, Chosen
            Jason Schossler, Mud Cakes (scheduled for publication elsewhere)

            4 of our finalists, all but Jason Schossler, are scheduled to be published by Brick Road Press.


            Manuscript Guidelines


            • Book-length poetry manuscripts only.
            • Simultaneous submissions accepted, provided we are immediately informed if the manuscript is accepted elsewhere.
            • Original collection of 50 to 100 pages of poetry, excluding cover page, contents, acknowledgments, etc.
            • Single sided, single spaced. We prefer no more than one poem per page. Numbered pages. Leave off the poet's name.
            • Two title pages: one with name, address, and phone number and one with title only.
            • No translations, unless the translations are of your own poems.
            • Electronic files are accepted via the online submission manager (below). Use the title of your collection for the file name. We accept .doc, .rtf, or .pdf file format.
            • We prefer electronic submissions but will reluctantly consider hard copy submissions by mail if USPS "Flat Rate Mailing Envelope" is used and with the stipulation that, should the author's work be chosen for publication, an electronic version (.doc or .rtf) must be prepared in a timely manner and at the poet's expense.
            • Please include a cover letter with poetry publication/recognition highlights. Please include the collection title in the cover letter. Also we would like to develop a connection with the poet as well as the poetry. To that end, we would appreciate hearing about how poetry came to prominence in your life and what your goals are as a poet (particularly in terms of your craft and reaching an audience). If so inclined (OPTIONAL), we invite you to also to respond to this prompt: If you could share a private meal and one-on-one conversation with any person whether from this time or another, whether real or imagined, who would you pick and why?
            • If hard copy, mail in USPS "Flat Rate Mailing Envelope" and bound by a single clip: no folders or notebooks, please

            Mail to:
            Brick Road Poetry Press
            P. O. Box 751
            Columbus, GA 31902-0751

            Brick Road Poetry Press Submission Manager