Cæsura 2011 Issue Call for Work: Brothers and Sisters
In the Vietnamese tradition, people address each other as “anh” or “ch? ”—brother or sister. Even strangers in the street are greeted with such familial terms. This complicates the relationship shared between real siblings, those with whom we are supposed be as close hands and feet. What does it really mean to call someone “brother” or “sister”? What kind of closeness is required of us when we relate to another person in such familial ways?
Caesura, the literary journal of Poetry Center San Jose, seeks poetry, essays and reviews on the subject of brothers and sisters. Think of how the terms are used: blood brothers, brothers in arms, sister cities, sisters of mercy, brother’s keeper, etc. We are looking for work that presents the “brothers and sisters” relationship in all its incarnations—within families, in a culture, in a community, and even in religious groups.
The editors of Cæsura invite you to submit 1-3 poems addressing our theme. Submissions should not exceed 4-pages in total. All styles are welcome.
In addition to poetry, we are interested in essays and reviews of poetry or mixed genre collections (please query), as well as black and white art and photography.
The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2011. Notification of the status of your submission will be sent by August 2011. The 2011 issue of Cæsura will be published in September of 2011.
cæsura Submission Guidelines
Provide the following contact information with your submission: name, address, phone number, and email address.
We take first-print publication rights. Previously published work (in print or online) will not be considered. We accept simultaneous submissions on the condition that you notify us immediately upon acceptance elsewhere. We reserve the right to post work accepted for publication on our website.
Send your work in an email attachment in Word .doc format or pasted as plain text into the body of an email message to caesura@pcsj.org. If your work requires the preservation of a particular visual format or contains special characters, also send a hard copy to:
Poetry Center San José
1650 Senter Road
San Jose, CA 95112If you would like hard copy material returned to you, include an SASE.
Visual Art
Submit black and white photographs and graphic art in .jpg or .pdf format (if your work is accepted, we may request a .tif or high resolution .jpg file) to caesura@pcsj.org.