PUB: poetry press, Trio House Press Submissions


Submissions to Trio House Press are accepted during our awards reading period or during our open reading period. Trio House Press gives two awards annually: the Trio Award for First or Second Book for emerging poets, and the Louise Bogan Award for Artistic Merit and Excellence for a book of poems contributing in an innovative and distinct way to American poetry.   Each award winner receives $1000 and twenty copies of his or her book. Additionally, each winner must serve as a Collective Member of Trio House Press for twenty-four months after publication in order to assist with the press and bringing more Trio books into print. 


We are an environmentally conscious press and only accept manuscripts through our online submissions manager below. 

Our reading period for both awards is November 1st through April 30th.  Manuscripts received outside of this reading period will not be considered. Our submissions fee is $25 per manuscript for all award reading periods.  


Our open reading period, for which no award is given, is July 1-August 1.  Poets chosen for publication during our open reading period must serve as a Collective Member of Trio House Press for twenty-four months.  Please include a detailed cover letter approximately two pages in length with your bio, publishing history, and marketing plan along with your manuscript. Manuscripts received outside of this period will not be considered. Our open reading period fee is $20.00 Use our online submissions manager below.

Our submissions process adheres to and supports all ethical standards and guidelines outlined by the CLMP.  Judges are forwarded unmarked manuscripts for consideration.  Relatives and current or former students of judges are not eligible for publication. 


Judge for the 2012 Trio Award for First or Second Book is Ross Gay.  See our home page for bio information.


Judge for the 2012 Louise Bogan Award for Artistic Merit and Excellence is Michael Waters.  See our home page for bio information.




Guidelines for Trio House Submissions



The Trio Award for First or Second Book is only open to poets with less than two books published.


The Louise Bogan Award for Artistic Merit and Excellence is open to ALL poets, regardless of publication history.


Manuscripts must be between 48-70 pages, written in English by a poet residing within the U.S.


Translations are not eligible for publication.


Manuscripts must be sent in a single word doc. or docx. file.


Include a cover letter with your bio as the first page of your file.


Include an acknowledgement page of individual poems published.  The manuscript as a whole must not be previously published.


Include two cover pages, one with the title of your manuscript and your name and contact information, and one with only the title of your manuscript.  Your name or other identifying materials must not appear anywhere else upon your manuscript.


Payment of $25 is required for all submissions during our award submissions period.


Multiple award submissions are accepted as long as a $25 fee accompanies each award submission.


Simultaneous submissions are accepted as long as we are notified immediately if your manuscript is chosen elsewhere.


Relatives and current or former students of judges are not eligible for awards or publication during our contest submissions period.


Open reading period submissions must include a detailed two page cover letter outlining your bio, publishing history, and marketing plan along with your manuscript.  You may insert this cover letter at the beginning of your file in front of your manuscript.  Our open reading period fee is $20.00.


No edits can be made to manuscripts after you submit your manuscript.  However, if chosen for award or publication, edits can be made prior to final proofs.


All award winners and poets published  must serve as a Collective Member of Trio House Press for twenty-four months after publication.  They must assist with the press and bringing more Trio books into print. They must work on the Production and Design Committee, the Distribution and Sales Committee, the Educational Development Committee, or the Fundraising and Marketing Committee.



***Submissions begin November 1, 2011.  SUBMISSIONS NOW OPEN!


CLICK THE LINK BELOW to access our online submissions management system.