PUB: POL Prize


POL Prize

Since 1999, Poets Out Loud has sponsored an annual competition for a full-length poetry manuscript, published each spring by Fordham University Press. The POL Prize awards $1,000, publication by Fordham University Press, and a reading by the winning poet and judge in the POL series at Fordham's Lincoln Center Campus. In addition, since 2010 the series has expanded to include an Editor's Prize, which awards publication and a POL reading to the winning poet.

Books can be ordered through the Fordham University Press.

2011-2012 Poets Out Loud Prize The prize is open to poets with or without previous book-length publication
Two volumes will be published by Fordham University Press

1) POL Prize winner, selected by Prize Judge, will receive $1,000
2) Editor's Prize winner will be selected by POL Prize Series Editor and POL Prize Judge (Editor's Prize does not include a monetary award.)

Both authors will receive a book launch in the Poets Out Loud Reading Series

Deadline: October 15, 2011
2011-2012 Prize Judge: Claudia Rankine
Series Editor: Elisabeth Frost

Submissions will be accepted via our Online Submissions Manager or by Mail.
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