PUB: PRISM international

ISSUE 48:4 Summer 2010

Call for submissions: micro-fiction and prose poetry

June 1, 2010 2:23PM

Micro-fiction and prose poetry

Calling all y'all with gnat-sized attention spans! PRISM international's Winter 2010 issue will be micro-fiction- and prose poetry-themed. Check out our genre guidelines and definitions below, but don't freak out if you're finding your footing interstitially. Keep on the path, friend. We're into genre-bending.

Alternatively referred to as postcard stories, short short stories, and flash fiction, micro-fiction is like fine dark chocolate: effective in small doses. For the purposes of this issue, the cut-off is 1000 words.

Prose Poetry
Prose poetry usually features full sentences and no forced line breaks. The difference between prose poetry and micro-fiction is up for discussion — generally, prose poetry focuses more precise attention on language. It's less narrative than micro-fiction, and asks readers to make larger jumps than micro-fiction might demand. Our word-count limit for prose poems is 250 words.

Check out our submission guidelines and send us your best small works.

Deadline for submissions: August 31, 2010.



  • Send original, unpublished material in short fiction, poetry, translation, literary non-fiction, and drama. We do not consider work that has appeared on the Internet unless it has only been posted to writers' forums for discussion.
  • Include a brief cover letter with a short bio and publications list.
  • If you have submitted your work to another magazine for consideration, please let us know in the cover letter.
  • Note: we do not return manuscripts, so please ensure that you retain a copy of your submission for your files.We strongly prefer to reply via email. If you do not have an email address, include a self-addressed envelope (SASE) with sufficient Canadian postage, or an International Reply Coupon if you are submitting from outside of Canada. NOTE: if incorrect/insufficient postage is provided, we cannot reply to or return your material.
  • Along with your submission, please provide complete contact information, including an email address. Please indicate in your cover letter if you would like to receive a reply to your submission via email rather than mail.
  • Manuscripts must be typed and double-spaced (in the case of prose) on letter-sized paper. Poetry should be single-spaced. We cannot accept email submissions.
  • Send only one piece/genre at a time. 1 story/piece or 5 poems per submission. Maximum submission length: 25 pages.  Note: for this year's theme issue, we will accept up to five prose poems or five micro-fiction stories (1000 words max) per submission.
  • Non-fiction pieces should be creative, exploratory, or experimental in tone. Accompanying photographs will occasionally be considered for publication. We do not publish rhetorical, academic, or journalistic non-fiction.
  • We do not publish genre writing such as romance, horror, or science fiction. Please read back issues of PRISM as a guideline.
  • Translations are sought in all genres and must be undertaken with the permission of the original author. Wherever possible, include a copy of the original work.
  • We purchase first North American serial rights, and pay $40/printed page for poetry, $20/printed page for prose. Contributors receive a one-year subscription to PRISMinternational. The editorial board awards an annual $500 prize to an outstanding poetry contributor each year.