PUB: Pudding House Publications


Deadline: September 30 annually
10-36pp ms. Prefer around 24-28pp.
$15 entry fee payable to Pudding House.

Send to
Pudding House Chapbook Competition
81 Shadymere Lane
Columbus Ohio 43213
(614) 986-1881

$1000.00 First Place
plus publication
20 free copies; deep discounts on optional additionals

Identify author/address on cover page. Some poems may be previously published but not the collection as a whole. Include credits for those poems and assure that you own copyright or have obtained permission to reprint. Pudding House does not buy permissions. Include About the Author statement with publications bio. B&W cover images optional; cover is always up to the publisher but we like to see author suggestions/input (not ideas, but the actual art) if you'd like. This will have no impact on competition results.

We often publish additional manuscripts among those entered.
Judged by editor, Jennifer Bosveld, sometimes with editorial staff for finals.