Contest Rules
- Eligibility
The awards are open to books published during the 2006-2010 calendar year. The following are not permitted to enter the contest: employees of Five Star Publications and their immediate family members; Five Star contributing editors and writers; any author affiliated with Five Star Publications; and close acquaintances and relatives of any of the judges. Self-published books will be accepted, as long as they fit the above criteria.
- Entry fees
The entry fee for the Purple Dragonfly Book Awards contest is $50. Entry fees are per title, per category. Participants may enter one book in one category for a single entry fee, enter one book in multiple categories or enter several different books in the contest, as long as they pay separate entry fees for each category entered and mail in the appropriate amount of book copies.
- Submission guidelines
Participants should mail two copies of their book along with a completed entry form and payment (check or money order) to Five Star Publications, Attn: Purple Dragonfly Book Awards, P.O. Box 6698, Chandler, AZ 85246-6698. When entering a title into more than one category, please send two copies of the book for each category entered. Checks and money orders should be made payable to Five Star Publications. Please be aware that no books will be returned; all will be donated.If you are entering more than one book into the competition, you may mail all entries in the same envelope and write one check for the total entry fee.
- Deadline
The deadline for submissions is July 14, 2010. Submissions received after this date will not be considered for an award, and entry fees will not be refunded.
- Categories
You may enter as many books as you like in each of the following categories:
- Green books/Environmental issues: Books dealing with environmental issues, recycling, conservation of our planet's resources, etc.
- Spiritual/Religious: Books that address religion and/or spiritual matters, including books on death and grieving.
- Animals/Pets: Books about animals and family pets.
- Cooking: Books on cooking and cuisine.
- Collecting/Hobbies: Books about hobbies for children.
- Sports: Books about sports and/or athletes.
- Charity/Making a difference: Books that teach children the importance of giving and showing compassion for others in need.
- Family matters: Books that deal with issues affecting the family, such as divorce, adoption, a new baby, moving, etc.
- Growing pains: Books that help children understand the changes they go through as they grow older.
- Health: Books on general health topics that teach children how to lead healthy lifestyles.
- Educational/Instructional: How-to books and books that teach, such as books on math or how to fly a kite.
- School issues: Books dealing with issues children may encounter at school, such as bullying, making new friends, etc.
- Outdoor recreation: Books on outdoor activities that can be enjoyed by children and the whole family, such as camping, hiking, fishing, etc.
- Exercise/Fitness: Books that teach children how to keep physically fit.
- Arts/Music: Books on the fine arts that help children develop an appreciation for culture.
- Fiction
- Best cover design
- Best interior design
- General - for any categories not listed above.
- Judging Process
Judging will be based on content, originality and overall readability, with emphasis on innovation and creativity. Our judging panel includes experts from the fields of editing, reviewing, bookselling and publishing. Every entry will be read by the judges, whose decisions are final. Top award winners will be notified by mail before September 17, 2010. Prizes/awards certificates for the Purple Dragonfly Book Awards will be presented at the Arizona Literary Awards Banquet, November 6, 2010 in conjunction with Arizona Authors Association. (The Purple Dragonfly Book Awards are not affiliated with the Arizona Authors Association.)The judges reserve the right to switch the category for an entry, to cancel a category if the number of entries is insufficient, or to decide not to have a winner if the level of the best entries is not up to publishing industry standards.
Any entry not conforming to the guidelines will be disqualified without notifying the author. There will be no refund for disqualified entries.
- Prizes
Grand prize: One winner will be chosen from all entries to receive the grand prize. The grand prize book must be outstanding in content, readability, entertainment value and overall production and live up to Five Star Publications' strict standards of excellence. The grand prize winner will receive a $300 cash prize, 100 foil award seals (more can be ordered for an extra charge), One hour of marketing consultation from Five Star Publications and $100 worth of Five Star Publications' titles, as well as publicity on Five Star Publications' Web site.First place: One winner will be chosen in each category. First place winners of categories will receive a $75 cash prize, a certificate commemorating their accomplishment, 25 foil award seals (more can be ordered for an extra charge) and mention on Five Star Publications' Web site.
Second place: Once second place winner will be chosen in each category. Second place winners will receive a certificate commemorating their accomplishment and mention on Five Star Publications' Web site.
- Questions?
Please carefully review all of the information above before making your submission to the Purple Dragonfly Book Awards competition. For additional questions, contact Five Star Publications at 480-940-8182 or toll free at 866-471-0777. Email