PUB: Randall Jarrell Poetry Competition

Randall Jarrell Poetry Competition

Written by Administrator   
Monday, 25 February 2008 13:55

Postmark deadline: March 1 (annual)
Submissions accepted: January 15 – March 1

The Randall Jarrell Poetry Competition accepts one-poem submissions. The contest awards the winner $200, publication in storySouth, and an invitation to read his/her poetry at UNC Greensboro’s Founders Day activities. Questions may be directed to Terry L. Kennedy, Associate Director, MFA Writing Program, at tlkenned@uncg.eduThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Eligibility and Guidelines

  • The competition is open to any writer who is a legal resident of North Carolina or a member of the North Carolina Writers’ Network.

  • Submissions should be one poem only (40-line limit).

  • Poem must be typed (single-spaced) and stapled in the left-hand corner.

  • Author's name should not appear on the poem. Instead, include a separate cover sheet with author's name, address, e-mail address, phone number, and poem title.

  • Poem will not be returned. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope for a list of winner and finalists. The winner and finalists will be announced in May.

  • An entry fee must accompany the poem. Multiple submissions are accepted, one poem per entry fee: $10 for NCWN members, $15 for nonmembers.

  • You may pay member entry fee if you join the NCWN with your submission. Checks should be made payable to the North Carolina Writers’ Network.

  • Send submissions to:

Terry L. Kennedy
MFA Writing Program
3302 MHRA Building
UNC Greensboro
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170