Call for Submissions:
‘RedLines: Baltimore 2028’ will give voice to diverse perspectives on our future and shine a light on various sections of Baltimore’s cultural landscape. Baltimore’s unique position as an intersection point of Northern and Southern culture, the mystique it holds as a port city, the development of the bio-medical industry in the area, and the effects of globalization and immigration are all components that make Baltimore a compelling setting for speculative fiction.
Guidelines: RedLines is seeking unpublished, original Speculative fiction from 2,500 to 5,000 words for publication, set in Baltimore City in the year 2028. Additional consideration will be given to the following:
• Group entries from authors who collaborate to overlap storylines and characters in their respective entries.
• Stories written in Spanish (Please include English translation for submissions written in Spanish.)
• Entries that explore neighborhoods or cultural memes specific to Baltimore.
Publication: Winter 2010
Submission Deadline: May 28th, 2010
Submission Instructions: Email stories attached as Microsoft Word plain text, DOC, RTF, or PDF formatted with 12 point, Arial font, double-spaced to
Please place ‘Baltimore 2028’ in the subject line.
Entries can also be mailed to:
RedLines: Baltimore 2028
1440 E. Baltimore Street, #3B
Baltimore, MD 21231
Include all of the following information with your submission:
1. Name
2. Address
3. Phone Number
4. Email Address
Authors will receive an email from the RedLines editor within a week of their submission to confirm that the submission has been received. Authors whose submissions are accepted for publication will be notified by phone or email on June 30th, 2010.