PUB: RedLines - An Anthology of Topical Speculative Fiction

Call for Submissions:

RedLines: Baltimore 2028’ will give voice to diverse  perspectives on our future and shine a light on various sections of Baltimore’s cultural  landscape. Baltimore’s unique position as an intersection point of Northern and Southern  culture, the mystique it holds as a port city, the development of the bio-medical industry  in the area, and the effects of globalization and immigration are all components that make Baltimore a compelling setting for speculative fiction. 


Guidelines: RedLines is seeking unpublished, original Speculative fiction from 2,500 to  5,000 words for publication, set in Baltimore City in the year 2028. Additional consideration will be given to the following: 


Group entries from authors who collaborate to overlap storylines and characters in their respective entries. 


Stories written in Spanish (Please include English translation for submissions written in Spanish.) 


Entries that explore neighborhoods or cultural memes specific to Baltimore. 



Publication: Winter 2010 


Submission Deadline: May 28th, 2010 


Submission Instructions: Email stories attached as Microsoft Word plain text, DOC,  RTF, or PDF formatted with 12 point, Arial font, double-spaced to

Please place ‘Baltimore 2028’ in the subject line. 


Entries can also be mailed to: 


RedLines: Baltimore 2028 

1440 E. Baltimore Street, #3B 

Baltimore, MD 21231 


Include all of the following information with your submission: 


1. Name 

2. Address 

3. Phone Number 

4. Email Address 


Authors will receive an email from the RedLines editor within a week of their submission to confirm that the submission has been received. Authors whose submissions are accepted for publication will be notified by phone or email on June 30th, 2010.