PUB: Reminder—Cave Canem Poetry Contest

2010 Cave Canem Poetry Prize




Award: Winner receives $1,000, publication by The University of Georgia Press in fall 2011, 15 copies of the book and a feature reading.


Final Judge: Elizabeth Alexander. (Judge reserves the right not to select a winner or honorable mentions.)


Eligibility: African American writers who have not had a full‐length book of poetry published by a professional press. Authors of chapbooks and self‐published books with a maximum print run of 500 may apply. Simultaneous submission to other book awards should be noted: immediate notice upon winning such an award is required. Winner agrees to be in the United States at her or his own expense when the book is published in order to participate in promotional reading(s).


Deadline: Reading period opens March 15, 2010. Manuscripts must be postmarked no later than April 30, 2010. Manuscripts received after May 8, 2010, 5 pm, will not be considered, regardless of postmark date. To be notified that your manuscript has been received, enclose a stamped, selfaddressed postcard. Winner announced in September 2010.


Entry Fee: $15. Enclose check with submission, made payable to Cave Canem Foundation. Entry fees are non‐refundable.


Direct packet to:

Cave Canem Foundation

Cave Canem Poetry Prize

20 Jay Street, Suite 310‐A

Brooklyn, NY 11201




Œ Send two copies of a single manuscript. One manuscript per poet allowed.


Œ Enclose a stamped, self‐addressed envelope to receive notification of results.


Œ Author’s name should not appear on any pages within the manuscript. Copy One must include a title page with the author’s brief bio (200 words, maximum) and contact information: name, postal address, e‐mail address and telephone number. Copy Two must include a cover sheet with the title only.


Œ Manuscript must include a table of contents and list of acknowledgments of previously published poems.


Œ Manuscript must be single sided with a font size of 11 or 12, paginated, and 50‐75 pages in length, inclusive of title page, table of contents and acknowledgments. A poem may be multiple pages, but no more than one poem per page is permitted.


Œ Manuscript must be unbound. Use a binder clip—do not staple or fold. Do not include illustrations or images of any kind.


Œ Manuscripts not adhering to submission guidelines will be discarded without notice to sender.


Œ Due to the volume of submissions, manuscripts will not be returned. Post‐submission revisions or corrections are not permitted.