RICHARD MARGOLIS AWARDThe Richard J. Margolis Award of Blue Mountain Center combines a one-month residency at Blue Mountain Center with a $5,000 prize. It is awarded annually to a promising new journalist or essayist whose work combines warmth, humor, wisdom and concern with social justice. The award was established in honor of Richard J. Margolis, a journalist, essayist and poet who gave eloquent voice to the hardships of the rural poor, migrant farm workers, the elderly, Native Americans and others whose voices are seldom heard. He was also the author of a number of books for children.
Blue Mountain Center is a writers and artists colony in the Adirondacks in Blue Mountain Lake, New York.
How to Apply
Applications should include at least two examples of the writer's work (published or unpublished, 30 pages maximum) and a short biographical note including a description of his or her current and anticipated work. Please send three copies of these writing samples. Samples will not be returned.
Send applications to:
Richard J. Margolis Award of Blue Mountain Center
c/o Margolis & Bloom
535 Boylston Street, 8th floor
Boston, MA 02116Deadline: July 1, 2011
The award winner will be announced in November.
Donations to the Richard J. Margolis Award qualify for an income, gift and estate tax charitable deduction as long as they are made payable to the Blue Mountain Center, a not-for-profit foundation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations during life qualify for all these tax advantages. In addition, gifts of stock or other highly appreciated property also avoid tax on any capital gain, since the sale of the securities by a tax-exempt organization are not subject to tax. While not qualifying for any income tax deduction, the advantage of gifts as part of an estate plan are that the donor continues to have the lifetime use of the funds to be gifted when or if they are ever needed.
Lifetime Gifts
Contributions to the Award fund may be made at any time by sending checks payable to the "Blue Mountain Center" to:
Richard J. Margolis Award
c/o Margolis & Bloom
535 Boylston Street, 8th floor
Boston, MA 02116Testamentary Gifts
Gifts may be made as part of an estate plan by using language such as the following:
"I give $_______ to the Blue Mountain Center, a not-for-profit corporation located in Blue Mountain Lake, New York, for the purpose of funding the Richard J. Margolis Award."
You may direct any questions about gifts or bequests to the Award fund to:
Harry S. Margolis
Margolis & Bloom
535 Boylston Street, 8th floor
Boston, MA 02116
Telephone:617/267-9700, x517
Fax:617/267-9700, x517
Throughout his career, Margolis gave eloquent voice to those who are rarely heard. He was the consummate wordsmith, whose writing style always had touches of poetry even when the subject matter delved into dry public policy issues. He attempted to bring the human story to the forefront, showing how abstract political and policy debates affected real people. Using a combination of humor, eloquence and logic, Margolis tried through his writing to move people -- individuals and politicians -- to come to the aid of people in need.
His career spanned many roles, subjects and forms, which we have organized into the following broad categories: