Adventum /Ad vaynt oom/ Latin: Adventure
Adventum welcomes the finest contemporary outdoor adventure writing from
new and established writers. It also accepts seasonal haiku and high quality digital photography.
Enter to win the 1st annual
Ridge to River Contest
1st Prize: $100 and an Osprey Pack + publication
2nd Prize: La Sportiva Mountain Running Shoes + publication
This biannual online magazine accepts creative nonfiction, essays, and memoir pieces that explore some aspect of personal experience in the outdoors. This includes but is not limited to human-powered adventure in extreme wilderness landscapes as well as urban, whether it is about climbing trees, mountains or buildings, kayaking rivers or oceans, walking in pursuit of rare insects, pursuing the art of parkour, oceanic living, or mountain culture. Any latitude and longitude is game, so long as it is your best original writing, takes readers beyond the mundane and seeks to discover deeper meaning.
Submit by MAY 30th to be considered for the inaugural issue of the literary magazine of Adventure Writing.