Riptide International Short Story Competition 2010
Crossover Fiction – we want stories that will appeal to older children (12+) as well as adults.
1st Prize £1,000
The winner and nine runners up will be published in Riptide Volume 6. All those published will receive 2 complimentary copies of the anthology. The winners will be announced at an Awards Event at the University of Exeter in Autumn 2010 to coincide with the Children’s Literature Festival.Judges: Philip Hensher will judge the short list from a preliminary selection by the Riptide editors and their team.
Closing date: 20th May 2010
The Rules
Entry is by post. No entry form is needed. You can send up to five stories. The competition is open to writers of any nationality writing in English. There is no restriction on theme but the story must be suitable for a crossover readership.
Maximum 5,000 words. The winning stories must be available for the anthology and, therefore, must not have been published previously.
Copyright returns to the author one year after publication.
Notification of receipt of entry will be by email.
The judges' verdict is final. No correspondence will be entered into once work has been submitted. Stories cannot be altered or changed after they have been entered.
Entry is taken to be acceptance of these rules.Cost £6 per story entered. Entry plus copy of Riptide (please specify which volume you require) £10.50 (incl. p&p). Make cheques payable to Riptide Journal.
Post your entry to:
Riptide Short Story Competition,
Centre for Creative Writing and Arts
Queen's Building
University of Exeter
Exeter EX4 4QH
UKPrint on one side of the page neatly in reasonable sized type. The Riptide Competition will be judged anonymously, so please do not put your name or any contact details on any of the story pages.
Include all contact details on a separate sheet. Name, Address, Telephone Numbers, email address, Title of story, word count, number of stories submitted. Riptide Orders. Amount of cheque. Receipt of entry will be by email. Stories will not be returned.
Email entries are only accepted from abroad. Payment of the entry fee must be made via PayPal by clicking the button below:
After making the payment above send your story to us as a word attachment according to the guidelines to successful authors will be contacted in summer 2010 and results will be announced and posted on this page at the time of the awards event.