River Styx
2012 Schlafly Beer Micro-Fiction Contest
$1500 First Prize plus one case of micro-brewed Schlafly Beer
- 500 words maximum per story, up to three stories per entry.
- $20 reading fee includes a one-year subscription (3 issues).
- Include name and address on cover letter only.
- Entrants will be notified by S.A.S.E.
- Winner published in Spring issue.
- All stories will be considered for publication.
- Previously published stories, including those that have appeared on web sites, blogs, and personal home pages, will not be considered.
Postmark entries by December 31, 2011 to:
River Styx's Schlafly Beer Micro-Fiction Contest
3547 Olive Street, Suite 107
St. Louis MO 63103
River Styx
2012 International Poetry Contest
$1500 First Prize plus one case of micro-brewed Schlafly Beer
- $20 reading fee includes a one-year subscription (3 issues).
- Send up to three poems, no more than 14 pages.
- Include name and address on cover letter only.
- Include S.A.S.E. for notification of contest results (to be mailed out in September).
- Winner published in Fall issue.
- All poems will be considered for publication.
- Previously published poems, including those that have appeared on web sites, blogs, and personal home pages, will not be considered.
Postmark entries by May 31, 2012 to:
River Styx International Poetry Contest
3547 Olive Street, Suite 107
St. Louis MO 63103