After the success of the first R M Skillen short story competition I thought that it was about time to get cracking with a new one.
I recieved a few complaints last time saying that my rules and regulations were to vague. Because of this I have decided to have a different theme for every competition I run, this month it will be tragedies. If anyone has read my short story "Hope" they will realise that I am a sucker for tragic endings, this is empounded by the fact that "Romeo and Juliet" is my favourite book, play, and movie of all time. I like to feel the pain of the characters. I like to feel their struggle and I like beining left high and dry when a rotten twist means that the hero doesn't get the girl. So it is simple, stories must be between 500 and 2000 words. There must be no explicit material and the ending must leave me me gob smacked. General spelling and grammar will be assessed, but as long as the small mistakes don't take away from the final story you will not be marked down.
Entry fee for this competition is $5 US with 1st place receiving $100 US and a free entry in the Global Short Story Competition, where another 150 GBP will be on offer.
Competition Entry
$ 5 USD
Short Story Competition Entry
Just click on the link above to make your payment and then immediately e-mail your entry through to rmskillen@live.com.au . Once I have received both payment and e-mail I will reply with a confirmation. If you do not receive this with in two days feel free to e-mail me again to find out what is going on.
The closing date for entries is 8th July 2011 (My 30th birthday), with the winner being annouced on 8th August 2011.
So get writing and get your entries in as soon as possible.
R M Skillen
The winners of the very first R M Skillen short story contest.
Congratulations Andrew and I hope that your story has the same effect on other readers as it did me. LOVE AT FIRST SITE
For second place I couldn't decided between two beautiful pieces of writing so they both take out the prize. Kelly Brooke with Resurrection La Vie and Danna-Layanne Elhassadi with "The Antagonists"
In third place was the poignant tale from Henriette called "FLIGHT"
A special mention also goes out to 12 year old Finn Daniel whose natural story telling ability almost saw him take out a prize ahead of far more experienced writers. I am certain that if he sticks at it, he will achieve great things in the future. Read his story "Hospital" now.
FOR MORE WRITING OPPORTUNITIES GO TO www.CompetitionsForWriters.com or www.justacontest.com