The Frost Farm Prize
$1,000 Prize for a single metrical poem. Includes an invitation (with honorarium) to read for The Hyla Brook Reading Series at the Frost Farm in Derry, New Hampshire in the summer of 2011.
Sponsored by the Trustees of the Robert Frost Farm and The Hyla Brook Poets
Judge: William Baer
Deadline: Postmarked by April 1, 2011
Entry Fee: $5 per poem
Complete Guidelines:
Poems must be original, unpublished and metrical (any metrical form). No translations. There is no limit to the number of poems entered by an individual, but an entry fee of $5 US per poem must accompany the submission (entry fees from outside the United States must be paid in cash or by check drawn on a U.S. bank). Make checks payable to the "Trustees of the Robert Frost Farm." Please type the author's name, address, phone number and e-mail address on the back of each entry. Entries will be submitted to the judge anonymously.
Send entries to:
The Frost Farm Prize
26 Pond Rd
Derry, NH 03038
Enclose a SASE for notification of the contest results.
These are the complete guidelines.
For questions, please email Robert Crawford at bobik9@aol.com.