Rosebud Contests for Writers
Rosebud sponsors four biennial writing contests, each with a $1,000 award to the winner, plus occasional extra competitions. Entries are considered independently of Rosebud submissions (though winners and some runners-up will be published in the magazine) and each requires a $10 entry fee. Click below for current contest details.
The Mary Shelley Award for Imaginative Fiction, successor to the popular Ursula K. Le Guin Award.
Stafford Award: DEADLINE - July 15, 2012
Click here for info on the last The William Stafford Award for Poetry, named in honor of the inspiring poet and judged by his student R. Virgil Ellis, Associate Editor of Rosebud.
The Kennedy Award: Click here for more info.
The X. J. Kennedy Award for Nonfiction, named for one of America's most respected writers and editors, judged by Rosebud editor and VOICE OVER columnist Roderick Clark and by Cambridge Book Review editor Robert Wake.
The Dylan Thomas Award: DEADLINE November 10, 2010. Click here for more info.
Authorized by Aeronwy Thomas-Ellis, in honor of her father, Dylan Thomas, who died in New York City in 1953.
Ready to submit your material? Click here for instructions on how.