Salamander is a magazine for poetry, fiction, and memoirs. Salamander combines exciting new work by established writers with the best new work by writers now reaching artistic maturity. Some of our past and present writers include Jhumpa Lahiri, Jane Brox, Justin Cronin, Jean Valentine, Yiyun Li, Mary O’Donoghue, Laura Kasischke, Major Jackson, J. Robert Lennon, Franz Wright, Paul Yoon, Carrie Eiter, Steven Cramer, George Kalogeris, Eamonn Wall, Elyse Fenton, Eamon Grennan, Andrea Cohen, Jessica Greenbaum, Fred Marchant, Rachel Hadas, Frannie Lindsay, Don Share, Jacquelyn Pope, Linda Pastan, Ira Sadoff, D. Nurske, Martha Rhodes, Phillis Levin, Laurie Sheck, Susan Monsky, Sharon Dolin, Afaa Weaver, Edith Pearlman, Leslie Williams, and many, many others.
2011 Fiction Contest Guidelines
The 2011 Fiction Contest postmark deadline is extended to
May 31, 2011.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Salamander 2011 Fiction Prize
$1,500 Honorarium
and Publication
Final Judge: Jim Shepard
SEND ENTRIES: April 15 through May 15, 2011 READING FEE: $15
• All entries will be considered for publication. All entries will be considered anonymously.
• Send no more than one story per entry. Each story must not exceed 40 double-spaced pages in 12 point font. Multiple entries are acceptable, provided that a separate reading fee is included with each entry.
• Please submit two separate cover sheets with each entry, one with the title of the story ONLY, and the other with the title of the story and your name, address, phone number, and email. Your name should NOT appear anywhere on the story itself.
• Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but the contest fee is non-refundable if the submission is withdrawn. Please notify the editors as soon as possible if a submitted story is accepted elsewhere.
• Previously published works and works accepted for publication elsewhere cannot be considered. Salamander’s definition of publishing includes electronic publication.
• No handwritten, faxed, emailed, or poorly copied/printed manuscripts will be considered.
• Salamander will not consider work from anyone currently or recently (within the past 4 years) affiliated with Suffolk University or the prize judge.
• If you wish to be notified of the arrival of your manuscript, please enclose a self-addressed stamped postcard. Please also include a self-addressed stamped business-sized envelope for notification of contest results.
• Contest reading fee includes a one-year subscription. Checks should be made out to Salamander. We will send your subscription to the address on your cover sheet unless instructed otherwise. Overseas addresses, please add $10 for subscription postage ($5 for addresses in Canada). Please note that we cannot accept money orders or checks from foreign banks.
Jim Shepard is the author of six novels, including most recently Project X, and four story collections, including the forthcoming You Think That’s Bad (Knopf, January 2011). His third collection, Like You’d Understand, Anyway, was a finalist for the National Book Award and won The Story Prize. Project X won the 2005 Library of Congress/Massachusetts Book Award for Fiction, as well as the ALEX Award from the American Library Association.
SEND ENTRIES FROM APRIL 15 THROUGH MAY 15 (postmark deadline) to:
2011 Fiction Prize Salamander/Suffolk University English Dept. 41 Temple Street Boston, MA 02114 www.salamandermag.org