PUB: Sanchez - Baraka Prize in Poetry - Deadline Extended

North Carolina A&T State University Creative Writing Program 2011

The Sonia Sanchez and Amiri Baraka Prize in Poetry


**Deadline date extended to April 1, (postmark date).

Packets must be received in-house no later than April 4).


The Creative Writing Program @ North Carolina A&T State University extends its 2011

Sonia Sanchez and Amiri Baraka Prize in Poetry submission date.


On the anniversary of the A&T Four Greensboro Sit-in Movement and the onset of Black History Month, we celebrate the courageous legacy of African-American literary achievement by honoring the legacies of two literary giants. Their literary works and personal life energies have been spent in service to the upliftment of black people worldwide and to the struggle for freedom, justice and equality for all oppressed peoples. Their scholarship activism and poetry have reminded the world about the sacredness of human dignity and the need to preserve it. We are looking for poetry that seeks to honor the spirit of this tradition.


Poetry entries: (No more than 50 lines per poem, up to 3 poems per submission, any style.) Competition will be judged by a committee of poets and writers (should the entries not be up to our standards, we reserve the right to withhold the prize in a given year). The winner receives $250 and publication on the NC A&T web site. Applicants must write in English. Please include the following per entry:


• Four typed copies of unpublished manuscript (author's name must not appear on manuscript).


• One cover sheet with name, address, telephone, email, line count and titles of poems.


• $15 reading fee in check or money order, per submission, made payable to NCAT/CWP-Poetry Prize.


• Writers can submit more than one entry. Each entry must be accompanied by a separate entry fee.


• Winners to be announced April 28, 2011 .


• The competition is open to writers without regard to geographical region or previous publication background.


• SASE for acknowledgement of receipt of manuscript (optional).


• Winners and honorable mentions to be published on web site.


Please mail your submission to:

Creative Writing Program-Poetry Prize