PUB: Saraba Literary Magazine: Issue 8 and Call for Submissions (Nigeria/ Africa-wide)|Writers Afrika

Saraba Literary Magazine:

Issue 8 and Call for Submissions

(Nigeria/ Africa-wide)


Saraba, an electronic literary magazine, currently based in Ile-Ife, Nigeria is in its 8th Issue. In these issues, we have exlpored themes as diverse as Family, City Life, Economy, Niger Delta,
Religion/God,Technology, and Fashion.

Our goal, from the onset, has been to encourage young emerging writers - although our contributors have ranged from unknown writers to well-known ones. We are proud to assert that our contributors are mainly young writers, whose writing are previously unknown, and whose talent and promise are overt in their works.

We have published writers mostly from Nigeria. But in addition, our contributors are writers resident in London, Paris, South Africa, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Kenya, India, USA, Zimbabwe, Russia, Cameroun, Australia, and so forth.

Our 8th Issue, which is our most recent, was released on 15th April 2011. It is our proudest effort till date. In the Issue, we explore the knotty issue of fashion, and state that "... we failed in securing a unanimous perspective for fashion; how we succeeded in multiplying the richness, the effusiveness, the feverishness and sometimes agonizing details of fashion."

Writers in the issue include Yemi Soneye, Donald Molosi, Michael Lee Johnson, Chitzi Ogbumagba, Emmanuel Uweru Okoh Luso Mnthali, Lauren Henley, Victor Olusanya, Yolanda Mabuto Sokari Ekine, Damilola Ajayi, Tola Odejayi, Emmanuel Iduma Karen Chandler, and Kesiena Eboh.

The issue can be downloaded from

Our Issue and Chapbooks are published on and can be downloaded free. We call on literary enthusiasts and the general reading public to explore the wide talent on offer. More importantly, we encourage readers to subscribe to the magazine. From our next issue, only subscribers would have access to the full content of the magazine. Subscription is free.


Entries are received only for the e-magazine and chapbooks. Our site is improved continually to represent and reflect the best of emerging writing from Nigeria, Africa and the world. Interested contributors should read the following guidelines carefully.

Saraba’s staff is a small number of committed and enthusiastic but busy professionals. As such, entries that do not conform to these guidelines would not be considered. Our goal is to give emerging writers a voice and confidence, to give them the opportunity of having their works published.

For the magazine, we would, from the June Issue, publish content in two ‘portfolios.’ The first portfolio would be theme-based. Please see our themes for the year. We would publish, also, content of a general literary nature, but this portfolio would be smaller in size than the first.

Please send your work in an attachment in any of our three major categories: Fiction, Poetry and Non-Fiction. Send no more than one work at a time, and wait for our response before you send another. Word count for fiction works is 5,000, except otherwise announced. We’d accept no more than 3 poems at a time. For Non-fiction, we expect a broad range of new creative writing, including short memoirs, interviews, reviews, creative non-fiction, creative journalism, etc. Word count for this is 2,500.

We are also open to digital art including photographs, illustrations, paintings and so forth. Please send in high resolution jpeg files (not larger than 4 MB).

Please send alongside a bio of not more than 50 words (in third person).

Unsolicited poetry would not be considered for the chapbooks. If interested, please send a query and we would reply accordingly. Poems submitted would be generally considered for the magazine, on either of the portfolios.

Although we strive to highlight the talent and hard work of contributors, please note that we cannot afford to pay contributors.

Contact Information:

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For submissions:
