The MacGuffin
Quality fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and art since 1984
Winter 2011 issue now available
The MacGuffin, established in 1984, is a national literary magazine from Schoolcraft College in Livonia, Michigan. Our journal is a 160 page 6” x 9” perfect-bound collection of the best poetry, short fiction, and creative non-fiction that we receive. We also have artwork including black and white photos, prints, and drawings. We publish three issues yearly.
What’s a MacGuffin?
Originating in Victorian England, the moving force and sometimes the solution of a work of mystery fiction was referred to as a MacGuffin. Alfred Hitchcock used the term and stated that, “No film is complete without a MacGuffin” because that’s what “everybody is after.” The MacGuffin might be the papers that everyone is looking for, or the ring that was stolen—in short, the MacGuffin is any device or gimmick that gets a plot rolling. The MacGuffin itself has little, if any, fundamental importance, and, according to Hitchcock, is nothing in and of itself.
- Steven A. Dolgin, Editor
- Nicholle M. Cormier, Managing Editor
- Carol Was, Poetry Editor
- Elizabeth Kircos, Fiction Editor
- 16th National Poet Hunt Contest Rules (April 1 - June 3, 2011)
- 15th National Poet Hunt Contest Results
Submissions and subscriptions
The MacGuffin mission
The mission of The MacGuffin is to encourage, support, and enhance the literary arts in the Schoolcraft College community, the region, the state, and the nation. By fulfilling its role as a national literary journal, The MacGuffin exists to bring national and international prestige to Schoolcraft College and to be the main vehicle for its contribution to literary excellence.
The MacGuffin has six purposes:
- To provide opportunities for hands-on literary publication work experience.
- To sponsor annual literary events.
- To give a voice to deserving newer writers, by publishing their work alongside those of well-known writers.
- To provide a vehicle for writers to share their works with a diverse readership.
- To provide an opportunity for writers to experiment and innovate.
- Attempt to reach as big an audience as possible.
Contact us
Email: macguffin@schoolcraft.eduThe MacGuffin
Schoolcraft College
18600 Haggerty Road
Livonia, MI 48152-2696Telephone: (734) 462-4400 ext. 5327
The MacGuffin’s 16th National
Poet Hunt Contest
Judged by Terry Blackhawk
First Place Prize $500 *Two Honorable Mentions*
Each entrant will receive one FREE issue of The MacGuffin that includes the 16th National Poet Hunt winners.
Staff members and their families are not eligible to participate, nor are friends, family members, or students of the judge.
An entry consists of five poems. Poems must be typed on sheets of 81⁄2 x 11 paper. Clean photocopies are
acceptable. DO NOT place name and address on submissions.
Each entrant must include a 3 x 5 index card that includes poem titles and the contestant’s name, address, daytime telephone number, and email address.
There is a $15.00 entry fee. Please send check or money order payable to “Schoolcraft College.” Do not send cash.
Poems must not be previously published, and must be the original work of the contestant. Poems may be under consideration elsewhere. The MacGuffin reserves the right to disqualify a work that is accepted elsewhere.
8. 9. 10. Entries must be postmarked between April 1, 2011 and June 3, 2011.
No entries will be returned. Entrants wishing to receive a list of winners should send a stamped SASE.
Mail entries to:
The MacGuffin/Poet Hunt Contest
Schoolcraft College
18600 Haggerty Road
Livonia, MI 48152
Winners will be announced in September 2011
First Place and Honorable Mention poems will be published in a future issue of The MacGuffin. All non-winning entries will also be considered by The MacGuffin staff for publication in upcoming issues. The MacGuffin reserves the right not to award any Honorable Mentions.