Sci Fi Horror Short Story Contest
Submissions are now being accepted for our science fiction horror story contest. Aliens on earth? Humans on an alien planet? Horrors in outer space? All are prime candidates for stories in this sub-genre. The winning story (or stories) will be scheduled for publication in Issue #6 of Dark Moon Digest. There are two "contests" for this exciting issue. One requires an entry fee and will have prizes awarded; the other has no entry fee. Choose your poison, but enter soon!
This contest is open to all writers, published or unpublished.
Here are the rest of the guidelines:
DEADLINE: October 15, 2011
1st Place: $100 Grand Prize plus a copy of the issue of Dark Moon Digest in which your story appears.
All other stories selected for publication will receive $10.00 plus a copy of the issue in which their story appears.
ENTRY FEE: $10.00 payable via PayPal or by check or money order.
All short stories must be submitted by the author holding the copyright. (If your short story is not copyrighted, don’t worry. Copyright laws protect your work from the moment you began writing it. Check here for more information on copyrights.)
Your submission must be previously unpublished in print format unless you still hold the copyright. (You must inform us if a story has previously been published and where it was published so we can verify who holds the copyright.) Online publication is fine as long as you hold the copyright and are not bound by exclusivity to any person, party or website. If selected for publication, the online story must be removed from that site prior to being accepted for publication.
By submitting your sci fi horror short fiction work to this contest, you are assigning Dark Moon Books First World Serial Rights and the permission to possibly publish the work in either our quarterly magazine (published in print and e-book versions) or our monthly e-magazine. (Authors receive no payment for publication in the e-magazine, but also have the right to refuse publication in this manner.) The author keeps all other rights including the original copyright. Stories published in any manner will carry notices which stipulate the copyright resides with the author. (NOTE: If your submission has previously appeared in another publication or anthology, we will discuss publication rights with you.)
All submissions should be a minimum of 750 words and should not exceed 4,000 words. This is not a strict guideline, but anything differing from these figures should be the exception rather than the rule. Remember, your story could be rejected simply because it is excessively long.
You may withdraw your entry from consideration at any point, but this request must be made in writing (e-mail acceptable). Refunds are not given in this case.
Entrants selected for publication will be contacted prior to publication with further instructions. There are some instances in which we might ask the author for a re-write (with suggestions) if we feel it would improve the story and its chances of being published. We also reserve the right to edit submitted stories for length and content, but these edits will always be discussed with the author prior to publication.
Submit all entries via e-mail to DarkMoonDigest@gmail.com as an attachment in either Word (.doc) or rich text format (.rtf). Please use “Sci Fi Horror Contest” in your subject line. Stories may be submitted before payment is made, but will not officially be entered into the contest until your entry fee has been received. No queries are required.
Include your name, address, and e-mail address on the first page of your submission and in your e-mail.
Please use a 12-point serif type to format your entry. (i.e. Times Roman, Georgia, Courier), unjustified right margin and no spaces between paragraphs. Use paragraph indents in your formatting and not tabs or spaces. Do not use headers and footers.
Use the button below to pay instantly (and securely) through PayPal. You do not have to join PayPal to use this payment system.
If you would rather pay by check or money order, send your $10.00 entry fee to Stony Meadow Publishing, 3412 Imperial Palm Drive, Largo, FL 33771. Please make checks and money orders payable to Stony Meadow Publishing.
Stories may be submitted before payment is made, but will not officially be entered into the contest until payment has been received.
Questions? Send them to DarkMoonDigest@gmail.com