Script Call!
BWSOTU 2012 needs your words!
BLACK WOMEN: STATE OF THE UNION, a theatrical event celebrating the complexity and resilience of Black Women, seeks short scripts delving into what it means to be Black and Female in present-day America. The 2012 theme is Taking Flight!
Keeping within the theme, some suggested areas are listed below:
The Angry Black Woman
Mammy, Sadie and Jezebel
The Power of the Mmmhmmmm
Health and Preventative Behaviours
Media Portrayals
Passing on Knowledge to Those Who Come After
What You Don’t Know Can Kill YouRELATIONSHIPS
Interracial Partnerships
Same-Sex Partnerships
Sistah to SistahSubmission Guidelines (Authors may submit up to 3 pieces):
Length: 15 min or 15 pages.
Characters: No more than 4 women/1 man on stage at one time.
Set/props: Minimal
Publishing Status: Submissions should not be published or represented by an agency or organization for purposes of royalty collection or production.Submission deadline: April 15th, 2012.
E-mail submissions to the BWSOTU Producing Committee: SUBMISSIONS@BWSOTU.ORG
Black Women: State of the Union is slated for a 4-week run in the Fall of 2012. BWSOTU 2009 earned NAACP nominations, critical acclaim and audience praise for its humor, insight and edgy observations.
Black Women: State of the Union…
A theatrical and community event that represents and celebrates Black women as complex and resilient people. BWSOTU promotes greater understanding of Black women’s significant contributions to the world through performance, visual arts, community events, and media. BWSOTU artists aim to use this platform to empower Black women to love and honor themselves, and to help them self-identify as dynamic, expressive, and nurturing contributors to society. BWSOTU artists communicate and express themselves to help Black women embrace the characteristics that make each of them different and unique–today, tomorrow, and for generations to come.For more information about Black Women: State of the Union, visit:
Twitter: @BWSOTU