Poetry International is now accepting submissions for our 2010 contest.
A prize of $1,000 and publication in Poetry International is given annually for a single poem. B.H. Boston will judge.
Submit up to three poems with a $10 entry fee (entrants may submit additional poems for a charge of $3 per poem.) Deadline is April 23rd. The winner will be announced on our website in the fall of 2010.
- Provide your contact information & titles of all poems submitted, on the title page.
- Author name and information should appear only on the title page.
- No handwritten entries, please.
- Please make your entry easy to read--no illustrations, fancy fonts or decorative borders.
- Simultaneous Submission Allowed: You may submit your poems simultaneously. Please contact us if we need to withdraw your poem(s) because they have been accepted elsewhere.
- Poems translated from other languages are not eligible, unless you wrote both the original poem and the translation.
A Note to Previous Poetry International Prize Contestants
You are welcome to enter this year's contest, whether or not you won a prize in the previous year.