PUB: Second Light Poetry Competition

Second Light Poetry Competition

for Short and Long Poems 2011


The competition is now open for entries, DEADLINE Tuesday 1st November 2011.
PRIZES: FIRST £250 for each of Short and Long poems
SECOND £100 and THIRD £50, plus COMMENDED: Book prizes
All winning & commended poems will be published (in full or extract) in ARTEMISpoetry and poets will be invited to read at the adjudication event in London.
The competition judge is Fiona Sampson. Sampson’s latest collection, Rough Music, was shortlisted for both the Forward and T.S. Eliot Prizes in 2010. Her new edition of Percy Bysshe Shelley (Faber) is the Poetry Book Society’s Online Book Club Choice for July.
Long Poems (over 50 lines, no upper limit) £6 per poem
Short Poems (up to 50 lines) £4, £8 for 3, £12 for 8
Second Light Members are entitled to submit 1 free entry
– Submissions by Women poets only    *    Send TWO COPIES
– Second Light members are entitled to 1 free entry (can be either category)    *    Join SLN now for 1 free entry
– Poems may be on any subject    *    must be the unaided work of the writer    *    must not have been previously published in book form but may have appeared in magazines.
– Send TWO COPIES of each poem, typed or neatly written on A4 sheets, which should not bear the poet’s name.
– Include a separate contact sheet with name, address, telephone & email, plus poem titles.
– Cheque payable to ‘Second Light’ and send with entries to Dilys Wood at 3 Springfield Close, East Preston, West Sussex, BN16 2SZ.
Download competition flier