PUB: Sentinel Literary Quarterly Poetry Competition (April 2012) Nigerian Entrants > Sentinel Nigeria

Sentinel Literary Quarterly

Poetry Competition (April 2012)

Nigerian Entrants

Entry Guidelines for writers in Nigeria

About the competition: The Sentinel Literary Quarterly Poetry Competition has been held every 3 months since July 2009 for previously unpublished poems in English Language on any subject in any style up to 50 lines long (Excluding title). Poems entered must not have been accepted or be under consideration for publication elsewhere, and must not be simultaneously entered into another poetry competition. The poems must also not have been posted to any publicly accessible website or blog. Entries from Nigeria will go into the general pool with entries from every other part of the world.

Prizes: N39,750.00 (£150.00) First Prize, N19,875.00 (£75.00) Second Prize, N13,250.00 (£50.00) Third Prize, N2,650.00 (£10.00) x 3 High Commendation. All winning and commended poems also receive publication in Sentinel Champions magazine in print and eBook formats.

Entry Fees: 1 poem N795.00 (£3.00), 2 poems N1,590.00 (£6.00), 3 poems N2,385.00 (£9.00), 4 poems N2,915.00 (£11.00), and 5 poems N3,180.00. You may enter as many poems as you wish.

Closing Date: 5-April-2012

Results due: 30-April-2012 announced in Sentinel Literary Quarterly

Judge: Miles Cain – author of The Border.

How to Enter

1. Go to any Mainstreet Bank, formerly Afribank and pay the applicable entry fee as stated above. Enter as many poems as you wish. Payment in favour of SKOONEF BUSINESS LTD. A/C Number 0032868337628. In the Depositor’s Name field, write your name followed in brackets by SLQPOE0412. e.g. Depositor’s Name: Naija Poet (SLQPOE0412).

2. Send your poem or poems, together with your Cover Note stating your name, postal address, email address, telephone number and title(s) of your poem(s) as Word or rtf attachments to Please note: Your name or any other identifying mark must not appear on the poem. If you are unable to attach your work, please type them in the body of the e-mail. In the subject line of your e-mail please type: SLQ POETRY APRIL 2012 (SKF)

3. Entries must reach us before midnight 5th April, 2012


PLEASE NOTE: The entry fees and prizes are based on a fixed exchange rate of N265 to £1.00 and will be maintained whether rates rise or fall. This makes it easy for entrants and Sentinel.