PUB: Shortstory Competition

The Bill Naughton Short Story Competition


Bill Naughton's success as a writer stems from his ability to appeal to a very broad spectrum of readers in a manner and style that can be easily understood. Therefore, in judging our annual short story competition priority is given to stories, which, in our view, display qualities similar to those found in Bill Naughton's work. However, this rule is by no means exclusive and we are most eager to acknowledge excellence where we find it.

A great short story must echo in the reader's mind for a long time - it must compel him to pursue all its implications and question all possible outcomes.

In a novel there is scope to spell things out and in effect to tie up all loose ends, but in a quality short story, little must be said yet everything implied.

Rules and Conditions:

Story can be on any topic chosen by the entrant
Typed entries only
Maximum length of story is 2,500 words
Name and address must not appear on story
All work must be unpublished

Entry Fee:

£5.00 (Sterling), €7.00 (Euro) or or $10.00 (U.S. Dollars) per story.
Three stories may be submitted for the price of two.

[No Entry Form required.]

Postal Entries:

Bill Naughton Short Story Competition,
Box No 2011,
Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Closing Date:

Friday 7th September 2011.

Prize Money:

First: € 200.00 / Second: €130.00 / Third: € 65.00

Prizes will be presented at the Kenny Naughton Autumn School.

Simon Downs (Competition Secretary) oversees the judging process and his decision and that of the judging panal is final.

Results 2010:

First: "A Loose Stone" by Mary Rose McCarthy (Ireland)

Second: "What Happened in the Orange Grove" by Alyn Fenn (Ireland)

Third: "Evil in the Hall" by Silvia Faberi (Italy)

Click here if you would like to obtain further information.