$500 and publication by the Evening Street Press will be awarded for the best full-length manuscript of original poetry. The contest is open to poets who have already published book length collections as well as those for whom this is a first book. The winning poet will receive 25 copies from a press run of 250. Submissions accepted May 1, 2011 to December 1, 2011.
Manuscript Requirements
- ms. must contain between 48 and 84 pages of poetry (some of which may be previously published)
- ms. must be typed (double or single spaced)
- ms. pages must be numbered and a table of contents included
- include an acknowledgements page
- include one cover page that contains the title, your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address
- include a second cover page that contains the title only
- your name must not appear anywhere else on the ms.
- SASE for results--manuscripts will not be returned
Reading Fee
The $25 reading fee includes a one-issue subscription to the Evening Street Review. Make check or money order payable to Evening Street Press. We reserve the right not to name a winner.
Multiple & Simultaneous Submissions
You may submit more than one manuscript. Send multiple submissions in the same envelope, marked “Multiple.” Each manuscript must include a $25 reading fee. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but we must be informed immediately if the manuscript is accepted elsewhere.
Mail entries (no email submissions, please) to Evening Street Press, 7652 Sawmill Road #352, Dublin, OH 43016-9296.