PUB: Sixfold Fiction and Poetry

Win $1000, $200, $100 for your short story or poems

Vote online to create the next issue of Sixfold

Enter by Jan. 24

Upload your own short-story or poetry manuscript PDF for a $6 entry fee by Jan. 24, 2013. Then, vote within your genre to select the three prize-winning manuscripts and all the manuscripts published in each issue of Sixfold.

Sixfold is a collaborative, democratic, completely writer-voted journal. The writers who upload their manuscripts vote to select the prize-winning manuscripts and all the short stories and poetry published in each issue. All participating writers’ equally weighted votes act as the editor, instead of the usual editorial decision-making organization of one or a few judges, editors, or select editorial board.

In addition to voting manuscripts into publication, you give and receive workshop feedback on your and your fellow writers’ work. By the end of three rounds of voting, you read, evaluate, vote, and write comments on 18 other writers’ manuscripts, and receive up to 6, 24, or 78 votes and comments on your own manuscript from other writers, depending on how far it progresses through the three voting rounds.

Join a community of writers engaged in a fair manuscript judging process. Read your fellow writer and the variety of short stories and poems out there. Read, vote, give comment, get comment, and so better your own writing. And connect! If you wish. Be anonymous during the entire voting process, or opt-in to connect and network with other writers after the secret-ballot voting rounds are over.

Opt-in to make your name, profile, and/or manuscript publicly viewable on a post-voting results page that lists all participants’ manuscripts ranked by voting score. If you like, give your e-mail, Facebook, or other link to the writers you vote for and give feedback to, made available to them only after voting is over.