PUB: South Carolina Review Poetry Contest

The South Carolina Reviews



Deadline: Entries must be postmarked by March 15, 2010.

One winning poem will be awarded $500, and two runners-up will receive $100 and

$50, respectively. Winning poems and selected fi nalists will be published in the Fall

2010 issue. Entries must be original, unpublished, and not have won a monetary

award in other contests.



Number and Page Restrictions: Send one copy of up to four poems (ten pages

maximum). On a cover page, include name, address, phone number, and title(s) of

your poem(s). All poems submitted for the contest must be anonymous. Include


Entry Fee: A $20 entry fee (checks payable to the Clemson University Foundation

with “SCR Poetry Contest” on the memo-line) covers the cost of up to four poems

(ten pages maximum). Moreover, if you would like to make a gift to assist the journal

in these hard economic times, you may do so by adding $25, $50, $100 or more to

the entry fee and specifying “Friends of SCR” on the memo-line of your check.

Please indicate your choice and a current mailing as well as email address in your

cover letter. Multiple entries will be allowed, provided that each contains a separate

entry fee, cover letter, and SASE.


Submit entries to:

The South Carolina Review Poetry Contest

611 Strode Tower

Box 340522

Clemson University

Clemson, SC 29634-0522


Entries arriving by email or FAX will not be considered. Any

entries not following the requirements listed above may be

disqualifi ed. Please direct any inquiries to SCR’s editor, Dr.

Wayne Chapman, at