PUB: Southern Poetry Review: Guy Owen Prize Contest

Guy Owen Prize Contest

$1000 and publication in SPR awarded to the winning poem selected by a distinguished poet. Send 3-5 unpublished poems (10 pages max.), postmarked between March 1 and June 15. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for reply only, and a check for $15 payable to Southern Poetry Review. We consider work published online or posted there as previously published. Include all contact information on cover sheet only; do not include name or contact information on poems. Please indicate simultaneous submissions. All entries will be considered for publication. We cannot accept electronic mail submissions, nor can we accept them on disk. Manuscripts will not be returned. The entry fee includes a one-year subscription to the journal.

Southern Poetry Review
Guy Owen Prize
Dept. of Languages, Literature and Philosophy
Armstrong Atlantic State University
11935 Abercorn Street
Savannah, Georgia 31419-1997